Friday, April 3, 2015

Fighting Life Back (And Winning)!

Fighting life back does take you knowing that life
is actually pushing you around. When you identify
that it is life pushing you around and teaching you
a lesson, then you have to learn how to push it back.

A lot of people don't recognize that this is actually
happening. The results are, we end up submitting,
or attempt to fight back in the wrong way.

Do you blame your job, boss, past, the system, ect?
This is the improper way to fight back! Blaming
others is the same as submitting.

Most of us have dreams and goal, but put them on
hold because life has given us a reality check. There
is no harm in taking care of current reality. The harm
is in not growing and giving up on your dreams.

Find out more about Fighting Life Back in the
video above.

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Some powerful stuff, that will definitely help you along the way! ===>>>>>

Until next time my friend,
Derrick Benn

1 comment:

  1. Great post!! I didn't know you had a blog.The wisdom and knowledge in this post could help tremendously if one applies it
