Sunday, April 26, 2015

Get More Views

Get More Views

Today's blog I am giving you 2 HUGE tips, to help you Get More Views!

Just showing prospects your deal isn't going to do it alone. Handing
them your DVD, magazine, just giving them your link, or what
ever 3rd party tool you use, isn't enough. There are some special
ingredients that you must add!

Part of getting prospects to view your presentation is getting them to
first have a want to view your side project. Have you found yourself
checking back with your prospect after you've provided them with the
information to your deal? All to find out that they have not taken a look
at it yet. They may provide you with a number of reasons why?

Example/s: “I was tired after work.” “I seen it in my email, but I forgot
to watch it.” “I am too busy right now.” “Uh, not yet, but I will get to
it this weekend.”

I think you get the picture?

We want to get around being given the run around and get people
VIEWING your deal, which is to help them as well as yourself!
It is a must to keep in mind as a marketer, I must get as many
people as possible, in fort of the information.

  • Excitement is contagious. When people see and feel how
    excited you are about what you are sharing with them, their
    interest will be peaked! This will make the average person
    want to hear/see more.
  • You can't expect others to be excited about something you’re
    not excited about.
  • Don't say too much. Say just enough to get them interested.
    Let the tools do the work. This is what duplicates without a

  • You may or may not be setting up a live presentation? However
    you chose to show the information, the appointment must be
    set. This must be done before giving them the 3rd party tool that
    goes over all of the details.
  • Use the “If I..., Would you?” phrase. This is so powerful and
    can be used from start to finish.

Example: “If I gave you a link to the presentation, WOULD you watch

  • You would then have them give you a time they will commit
    to watching the presentation. After this, you then would want
    to set up a follow up time.
  • This involves the prospect. Having them set the appointment
    gives them power in their minds. However, you are still
    retaining the power because now they've made a commitment
    with you that they will do what they said. This is a whole
    lot better than just giving them the information with NO
    commitment. The prospect has all of the power when we
    do this.

In this video, I will go over how to Get More Views in a bit more detail.
As a bonus, I even give a cool and easy prospecting script that

Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook

Until Next time,
Derrick Benn

PS. Make sure you get my
YOUR MINDSET by subscribing to my
mailing list! Very Basic,  Very Do-able,
Very Effective...

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Power Of Failing

The Power Of Failing

Let me ask you a question, “What is the first thing that comes
to your mind when you think of yourself failing?”

Today’s video will help you if you are absolutely afraid of
failing in your business or life as a whole.

According to Webster's Dictionary, to fail means:
: to not succeed : to end without success
: to not succeed as a business : to become bankrupt
: to not do (something that you should do or are expected to do)

I believe the 1st and the 2nd definition fits most of us well. Especially
when it come to our MLM businesses. Most of us quit because we have
failed in our business miserably. I know that every
marketer has thought about quitting at least once because of failing.
You're not getting the sign ups you want to get and you thought it
would be better than this right? Things may not be going as you dreamed
them to go, but if you don't do something about it, then you are truly failing.

Another form that failing comes in is, wanting to do everything so
perfect the first time around, that you end up doing nothing. This
is just as bad as any other form of failing. Being a perfectionist,
I've struggled with this for some time myself. When I began to
learn the Power Of Failing, holding back, or procrastination, has
become less of an obstacle for me.

Are you not talking to prospects because you fear them saying 'NO'?
When they say 'NO', do you consider yourself a failure? Is this holding
you back from making the follow up call, or even picking up the phone
period? Learn the Power Of Failing in this video. You will then look at
failing with a brand new prospective! This will indeed increase your
activity and your numbers!

Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook

Until Next time,
Derrick Benn

PS. Make sure you get my
YOUR MINDSET by subscribing to my
mailing list! Very Basic,  Very Do-able,
Very Effective...


Friday, April 3, 2015

Fighting Life Back (And Winning)!

Fighting life back does take you knowing that life
is actually pushing you around. When you identify
that it is life pushing you around and teaching you
a lesson, then you have to learn how to push it back.

A lot of people don't recognize that this is actually
happening. The results are, we end up submitting,
or attempt to fight back in the wrong way.

Do you blame your job, boss, past, the system, ect?
This is the improper way to fight back! Blaming
others is the same as submitting.

Most of us have dreams and goal, but put them on
hold because life has given us a reality check. There
is no harm in taking care of current reality. The harm
is in not growing and giving up on your dreams.

Find out more about Fighting Life Back in the
video above.

Have you gotten any value from this post? If so, leave
a comment. Like, share and connect with me on facebook.
Make sure you join my mailing list and get my FREE
Some powerful stuff, that will definitely help you along the way! ===>>>>>

Until next time my friend,
Derrick Benn